So where did we go?
New Jersey, of course--the land of the wonderful.
We celebrated my Father's birthday! He's 25! ( 20...)
Dad's Birthday lasagna, made by the Jett sisters!
We spent the week watching my siblings' soccer games. (I now remember what the wind off the ocean feels like during a soccer game.)
We were delighted to find out that my brother, Elder Jett, is now a Zone Leader in the Colombia Barranquilla Mission!

He's the man and we are so proud of all the work he is doing.

We ate lollipops when we visited Aunt Katie at her job at Samuel's Fudge and Candy Cottage.
We built forts! (When I say "we" here, I'll be honest and tell you that Uncle Joe, Uncle Vinny, and Aunt Julia built the fort.)
We went to 24th street park to swing with Aunt Julia and Aunt Danielle!
Liz discovered that she loves the piano and she loves her high chair at Pop-pop and Mimi's house.
We can always expect a fun time at Pop-Pop and Mimi's!
After Chris took the exam, we went over to the Seafarer's Festival in the Crest and later that night we went to the Irish Festival on our side of the island. Unfortunately, the vendors had already packed their wares away for the night. All that was left were hundreds of drunk people staggering through the streets. We walked in and walked right out again, headed to Wawa for some hot chocolate, and sat on the Lighthouse benches overlooking the Atlantic.
Liz has her first tooth! She and I both had colds during the week so if she was cranky from the tooth, no one knew it. Julia saw it during Joe's soccer game on Saturday. Check it out!
Click on the picture to see it up close.
Thank you, Aunt Katie and Aunt Julia, for teaching your niece Elizabeth a love for Miley Cyrus songs:
We love NJ immensely, but we are happy to be home again :D