Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lizzie's Birthday Questions

I saw a great idea on pinterest awhile back: conduct an Annual Birthday Interview--ask the same twenty questions year after year for your child. Although I remembered to ask Lizzie the questions, I forgot to post them. So here is a glimpse into the mind of Lizzie K.
1. What is your favorite color? pink 2. What is your favorite toy? crab toys (???) 3. What is your favorite fruit? strawberry; favorite vegetable: carrot 4. What is your favorite tv show? Super Why 5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Mac 'n' cheese 6. What is your favorite outfit? a beautiful church dress 7. What is your favorite game? tap the shoe (?) 8. What is your favorite snack? animal crackers 9. What is your favorite animal? giraffe 10. What is your favorite song? I am a Child of God 11. What is your favorite book? Beauty and the Beast (we do have that in book form) 12. Who is your best friend? Cate/kate (I'm not sure if she meant her sister or her friend from church) 13. What is your favorite cereal? Marshmallow Stars 14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play tag 15. What is your favorite drink? apple juice 16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween 17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? bunnies 18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? eggs and sausage 19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? spaghetti and meatballs 20. What do you want to be when you grow up? a doctor Can't wait to ask her these questions on her 4th birthday! **Anyone know how to fix the spacing of sentences with this new blogger? I want the questions in list form but I can't figure out how to do that.


Brianna said...

Intriguing idea! Might have to steal it... It would be interesting to see if you ask her about her answers later in life if she will remember what game or toy she meant.

Francesca said...

What a good idea!