December 28, 2008. w0w. Right after we found out I was pregnant, I remember thinking that December would never arrive (this was back in March). And look where we are today--almost the end of another wonderful year.
Lizzie turned two weeks old yesterday. She's still awesome and still beautiful.
We could literally stare at her for hours, and we would too, if we didn't have other things pressing upon us haha.

My Christmas Eve morning was spent on I-15, driving my mom to the SLC airport at 3:30 am. Thankfully no one is awake at that ghastly hour so we made it in plenty of time. Naturally, I was pulled over by some rent-a-cop (aiport style) once we pulled right up to the Northwest area. Apparently I was going 25 mph in the 10 mph zone, but he just gave me a warning and I just smiled. haha I don't know what it is, but when things like this happen, my outrage often wants to come out in what could be a really bad way, but thankfully, it never does. (Yes, I have been pulled over before. Multiple times. Multiple states--but this is an an entirely different matter ;D.) Either way, I got a warning and then my mom and I proceeded to the counter to send her back East to the good ol' Jerz. I didn't cry like I thought I would, perhaps because I was so tired, but I was sad. My mom cooked, cleaned, laundered, washed, wiped, dried, essentially, she helped in every way possible while she was here. No matter where Chris and I happen to be when Elizabeth is married and ready to have her first baby (in the far, far future, mind you), I will be there. My mom's example to me is first and foremost.
For those of you who don't know my mom personally, or have only met her in brief passing, you are missing out. My mother is one of the most incredible people on this planet, next to my dad and to Chris. It's practically impossible NOT to love her because she is awesome. Bottom line. My mom and I got along fairly well while I was growing up at home, and for that I am thankful. When we did fight, it was always BAD. Really bad. But my mom was always the first to "forgive and forget," and she still does this in any circumstance with anyone. To "forgive and forget" is extremely difficult sometimes, but for me, my mom has never failed in that respect. This lesson, among the thousands of others my mother has taught me, is one I plan to teach my daughter, and the children that follow her. Thank you Mom. :)

We went to West Jordan and spent Christmas Eve, as well as Christmas Day and the day after that, at Grandma and Grandpa Carter's. It was good that we came up on Christmas Eve because the snow on Christmas Day was incredible. It would been extremely rough trying to get up I-15 with the conditions, but we were safe. Our dearest daughter kept us up all night--no exaggeration, she really did--so we were a bit sluggish but we had a wonderful time. We watched the House marathon on USA; House has easily become our new favorite show to catch. My holiday vice this Christmas season was Grandma's peanut brittle; I'm not a huge fan of peanut brittle but Grandma's peanut brittle is amazing. Grandpa made his famous chili; Grandma made her famous everything else, and we made them sausage bake on Christmas morning. Sausage bake is a tradition in the Jett household on Christmas mornings; since we weren't in Jersey we had to make some in Utah! Last Christmas Chris and I made it for his family in Texas, and Valerie made it for her family this Christmas since we weren't there. We've spread sausage bake all over the country! :)
--Sorry, just had to drop this in here: the Eagles are beating the CowGIRLS, 44-3. Blessed day! GO PHILLY! I had to say this because Uncle John (Chris's younger brother) and Aunt Hillary sent Liz a pink, baby-sized, ROMO jersey...enough said. Chris and I decided that if the Cowgirls won, we'd put the jersey on Liz and take a picture. Thankfully it looks like Dallas is going down because I don't think I would put that piece of trash on her hahaha. I'm thankful for the gift as a gesture, but these two knew what they were doing when they sent that jersey to this house! ;)--
All right, Elizabeth is up and hungry--I'll write more soon.
Okay, I'm back. Here are some pictures of Lizzie's first time to church:

Might I add a little vent--how Christmas break is nearly OVER and how school starts in...however many days?!?! So far, we've had the Stapley's over for some Harry Potter (they brought the movies!) AND they brought some fixings for a good dinner, too. Bri and I are planning to sit down this week and watch the entire six-hour version of Pride and Prejudice--because the husbands will be at work and they won't have to be "subjected to such torture." Ha! This vacation can't be over so soon...we just got here!!