Sunday, November 15, 2009


I'm going to write another blog tomorrow about our weekend, which I will then send to my bro Elder Jett. But my friend Kara tagged me in her note "Honestly" so I will now think of ten honest things about me!

1. "You can take the girl out of Jersey but you can never take Jersey out of the girl." This is a true statement. New Jersey is my home and it always will be. No matter how many more places we will live, New Jersey is where I am from.

2. I'm not a fan of pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I love Elizabeth and the future children I may have. But the whole pregnancy thing...if the nine months could be condensed into one month, I'd do it. I hope my next pregnancy will be better. (*Not that my pregnancy with Lizzie was horrendous.)

3. I look forward to dinner time. When Chris and I were first married, I'd make the same things over and over again; because of that, cooking was not fun for me. But now that I'm done with school and I am at home with Liz, I actually have time to find recipes and to make them. Family Circle magazine has some really great recipes!

4. I miss school. Not the test taking, paper deadline, overachieving classmates part of school. I miss going to a lecture, listening to my professor, and jotting down notes on fresh loose leaf with a Papermate pen. Yes, I used only Papermate pens when I was a college student. I just like the way they write!

5. I miss Utah (not the actual state). I miss our friends, Beto's, Tucano's, football games, campus, the JFSB courtyard...I miss everything BYU. I also miss being close to my family and Chris's family who still live there. We have a ton of fantastic memories associated with Utah.

6. I love the East Coast with a passion but I hate how liberal it has become. It really makes me take Chris seriously when he talks about us living in Texas long term. Really.

7. I miss being a teenager. I loved high school, prom, stake dances, crushes on boys, basketball games, baseball managing, school plays, school rivalries, summers working on the boardwalk and hanging at the beach. I hope my siblings love their high school experiences as much as I did.

8. I have zero tolerance for people who call themselves LDS but do not live the standards of the church. I also have zero tolerance for anything that(or anyone who) lacks in morals, virtues, and standards.

9. I never read anything Jane Austen until my senior year of college. I think I was one of two students in my Jane Austen class who had not read a single Austen novel before attending the class (the other person was a guy). During the class we read all of her works except for Sense and Sensibility, which I am reading now (and so is Emily!) :)

10. I have a tendency to get angry over petty issues. This past week, as part of my personal scripture study, I read President Monson's talk about anger which he gave during Priesthood session. One line in the talk took my breath away: "To be angry is to yield to the influence of Satan." I have never thought about anger in that light so I am consciously working on refraining from getting angry over trivial situations.

I'll tag Heather, Bri, Britney, Adri, Megan H., Jess, Emily, anyone who wants to do this. Thanks Kara and Francesca for sharing your ten with me! :)


Francesca said...

I miss all those same things--but mostly I miss you!

Brianna said...

A lot of those made me smile, and really think of you. :) I don't know if I can come up with ten though...of course, now I have nothing but time so maybe I'll actually get to it... :D