Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The Clothes edition of Confessions

1. I rarely iron clothes. Rarely.
2. My idea of comfort as a teen= basketball shorts, hoodie, and my rainbows.
3. I once had 15+ pairs of jeans. I've cut that number down to six after my pregnancy with Cate, mostly because my body is very different after having two children!
4. I have more green and blue shirts than any other color shirt.
5. While clothes shopping (for me, the girls, Chris), I never look at regular priced items--I head straight for the sale section!
6. When I was young, I never wore brown because I thought it would clash with my skin tone.
7. In my closet, I have a skirt from the 8th grade...which I still wear! It's one of my all time favorites--plum and lilac paisley.


Megan said...

I only ever go to the sale racks, as well! I made a great score this past weekend, two awesome outfits (a dress and a sweater, and a jeans and denim jacket set), that had to just have been placed there (it was too cute to have sat there for long!), for Lilly for next year. Retail Price: over 60 dollars - Price Paid: 23!

Francesca said...

Justin does all the ironing at our house!