"When are you due?"
It was a fairly common question once I hit my third trimester during Fall 2008. Towards the last weeks of the semester, it became a daily question. And when I would reply, "December 12th," eyes would get large as brains realized that particular day was the last day of finals.
"Do you think you'll finish your exams first?!"
I thought so. Well, I knew so. Every night I would tell my belly that patience is the key--let Mom finish her finals, please. And what do you know--that is exactly what Miss Elizabeth did.
Lizzie was born on December 13th, the day after my finals were completed (besides a Span 445 take-home exam). I am writing this and I feel like I could be back at school, taking fifteen credits all while reading and writing my way through the English department.
But THREE years have passed. My BYU experience is over and I received two important things during that time in my life: my degree and most especially, my first daughter!
Lizzie is very much like me. She has my brown hair, my brown eyes, my skin tone. She loves to read books, to play at the beach, and to be friends with everyone. Lizzie is my friend, always wanting to help me cook dinner or to work on a craft. She teaches me to enjoy the moment. I love her so much! Happy Birthday to my Liz!
On Saturday, Lizzie had her first birthday party with four friends! (We missed you, McKelle!) She had a marvelous time and she was so happy to have friends over to celebrate her special day.
Everything was PINK PINK and more PINK, of course!

Belle had to be part of the cake.

Uncle John had a princess-themed Edible Arrangement sent over--it was a big hit.

Blow out those candles!

Opening her muffin bake set, from friends Sophie and Chloe.

Lizzie and Mia

Chloe loved the balloons!

Kate found a ton of fun things in the toy box.

Cate pinning the crown on the princess (our version of pin the tail on the donkey).

All the girls: Chloe, Sophie, Mia, Lizzie, Kate. Thanks for smiling, Sophie :)

On Sunday we headed over to the Heit's to celebrate Blake's birthday! He's now one year old. Such a cutie :)
Lizzie is still talking about how awesome the car cakes were!

Here's Blake with one of his birthday books

"How much cake can I fit in my mouth at one time?" :)

On Tuesday (Lizzie's actual birthday), we went to IHOP for a birthday breakfast. Lizzie got a Happy Face pancake for the occasion!

If there are pancakes involved, Cate's happy.

After we finished our breakfast, a birthday sundae arrived for Lizzie, complete with singing from the staff of IHOP. It was great!
We had the missionaries over for lunch later that afternoon. Elder Gibb will be heading home to AZ next week and we wanted to have him and his companion over one last time. We will definitely miss him!

Later that night, we had the Heit's and Turman's come over for some more cake and ice cream! (When it's your birthday, you can never have too much cake or ice cream.)

Lizzie got a new Ken from Reed and Blake,

and a Disney Princess art set from Andrew,

and a Jake and the Never Land Pirates DVD from us.

Lizzie now owns a Rapunzel ATV, thanks to her gracious Uncle John. You should've seen her face--she started screaming and jumping up and down with happiness!

Chris is finished with this semester! Onto celebrating Christmas and enjoying the season without school...until January 9th, that is ;)
Good luck with your Christmas shopping--

See you next week!