Well, well. Yes, I am pregnant; Chris and I found out on Friday and we are more than excited! People have been curious about the details, so here they are!
I got off the pill (THANK YOU, HEAVENLY FATHER) in late November. This pregnancy came at a safe time because it has been over three months since I've been off the pill. (Your body needs time to adjust after the hormones.)
I woke up nauseated nearly every morning last week, and that glorious time of the month was late...so naturally Chris and I got suspicious. I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive, but I was questioned it, so Chris made an appointment for me to see the doctor the very next day. The doctor confirmed our suspicions. (There is just something more sound about a doctor telling you you're pregnant than a plastic stick telling you you're pregnant!)
So of course, after the doctor's, we stopped by Babies R'Us, Target, and other stores just to gawk and to smile at all the beautiful baby accessories. We even picked out what we want if we have a boy or a girl! (For the record--I want a girl; Chris wants a boy.)
I got a blood test done while at the doctor's and I should be hearing the results soon. I'll find out then how far I am along (approximately) and when I will be due (mid-December).
Thank you for all of your congratulations and well-wishes for us! We are so blessed to have such wonderful and caring friends.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Remember when you thought the surprise...
...was that I was pregnant? Well, it wasn't true then.
But it's true now! I'm pregnant. True story!
Chris and I found out today and we proceeded to call our entire contact lists this afternoon. When we find out more, we will certainly post it! Love you all.
But it's true now! I'm pregnant. True story!
Chris and I found out today and we proceeded to call our entire contact lists this afternoon. When we find out more, we will certainly post it! Love you all.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
One week until...
I went online to the Wildwoods' website and signed up for a brochure. In addition to getting the brochure, we got a book of coupons and a 2008 calendar of activities. The book of coupons excites me the most! We'll try to use some while we're there. And those we don't use, we'll leave with my family because they will certainly be around to use them!
Well, I have a midterm tomorrow and I must finish the week's work...
Chris and I watched Gangs of New York last night (don't worry--Clean Flicks version, courtesy of our friends David and Lisa Aaron). Wow. Quick synopsis: essentially one enormous war, Natives vs. Foreigners in NYC, specifically within the Five Points neighborhood (1846-1862). The Natives, born and bred New Yawkers, loathed the Foreigners (aka Irish people) and killed, murdered, and plundered their people. Now, I'm not sure how historically accurate this movie is, but the torture the Irish endured regardless was horrific.
I had to laugh at the Natives--where did they think they came from? Surely they didn't believe they had ALWAYS been from New York. America was an extremely new country at the time (it still is, compared to other societies and countries, some of which have been around for thousands of years) and their predecessors came from overseas. Fact--they came from England--the country right next to their hated Irish brothers! They established themselves "earlier" than their Irish counterparts, but still--they were foreigners themselves, technically. I'm sure if anyone had pointed out that stream of logic, his head was blown off in frustration by a Native.
The plights many people had to endure (even still endure, even today) scare and baffle me. For instance, we all grow up in grade school believing that our relationship with the Native Americans was peachy; after all, the Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated Thanksgiving and it was fun! We recreated it in the fifth grade and it was wonderful. It was not until I reached my senior year in high school where I discovered...well, the explorers and other settlers who came to claim the New World as profit, not to make friends, were downright cruel to the Native Americans who inhabited the land.
History is an interesting subject. If I weren't an English major, I would have been a History major (History Teaching, probably--a History major all by its lonesome qualifies for the "I picked a major I like and I will one day live in a box" group). Our history is fascinating, and it is fascinating to think one day, WE will be in the history texts and students will learn about our era.
I went online to the Wildwoods' website and signed up for a brochure. In addition to getting the brochure, we got a book of coupons and a 2008 calendar of activities. The book of coupons excites me the most! We'll try to use some while we're there. And those we don't use, we'll leave with my family because they will certainly be around to use them!
Well, I have a midterm tomorrow and I must finish the week's work...
Chris and I watched Gangs of New York last night (don't worry--Clean Flicks version, courtesy of our friends David and Lisa Aaron). Wow. Quick synopsis: essentially one enormous war, Natives vs. Foreigners in NYC, specifically within the Five Points neighborhood (1846-1862). The Natives, born and bred New Yawkers, loathed the Foreigners (aka Irish people) and killed, murdered, and plundered their people. Now, I'm not sure how historically accurate this movie is, but the torture the Irish endured regardless was horrific.
I had to laugh at the Natives--where did they think they came from? Surely they didn't believe they had ALWAYS been from New York. America was an extremely new country at the time (it still is, compared to other societies and countries, some of which have been around for thousands of years) and their predecessors came from overseas. Fact--they came from England--the country right next to their hated Irish brothers! They established themselves "earlier" than their Irish counterparts, but still--they were foreigners themselves, technically. I'm sure if anyone had pointed out that stream of logic, his head was blown off in frustration by a Native.
The plights many people had to endure (even still endure, even today) scare and baffle me. For instance, we all grow up in grade school believing that our relationship with the Native Americans was peachy; after all, the Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated Thanksgiving and it was fun! We recreated it in the fifth grade and it was wonderful. It was not until I reached my senior year in high school where I discovered...well, the explorers and other settlers who came to claim the New World as profit, not to make friends, were downright cruel to the Native Americans who inhabited the land.
History is an interesting subject. If I weren't an English major, I would have been a History major (History Teaching, probably--a History major all by its lonesome qualifies for the "I picked a major I like and I will one day live in a box" group). Our history is fascinating, and it is fascinating to think one day, WE will be in the history texts and students will learn about our era.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Yay for Spring

Chris is out on splits with the missionaries, and after that he has a Elders Quorum Teacher's meeting. So I'm alone again for a bit tonight, but that's okay. Tomorrow night we are going to the Rangers vs. Orioles game with Paul! I am so excited. I absolutely love Major League Baseball. In the springtime's hazy, humid nights, there's nothing more relaxing than watching some MLB--complete with foam fingers, hot dogs (although they are ridiculously expensive, they are ridiculously good), and dippin' dots ice cream in helmet cups.
The Phillies are coming to Arlington at the end of June and we have agreed we'll get to at least one of the games. I am pumped to wear my Phillies gear! I only wish Phillie the Phanatic were coming to the game too. (Or do the mascots travel?...I can't remember.)

Hasta la vista BABY
Happy Birthday, Julia! My littlest sister is eight years old today. O-L-D!
"Well at least I'm not as old as you are, Mare." ...Thanks Missy. I know! :) Apparently Julie's grown some since this picture from last June--we'll see in FOURTEEN DAYS!

I have laboriously long selections of Pepita Jimenez and Torquemada en la hogera to read...I'll be back later with some more words.
"Well at least I'm not as old as you are, Mare." ...Thanks Missy. I know! :) Apparently Julie's grown some since this picture from last June--we'll see in FOURTEEN DAYS!

I have laboriously long selections of Pepita Jimenez and Torquemada en la hogera to read...I'll be back later with some more words.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Strawberries Wild, Orange-a-Peel, Peanut Butter Moo'd...
I'm writing this a little later than I usually write on Wednesdays; I had some serious schoolwork to complete and I decided to write when I was finished. (I still have a few questions left, but I couldn't help but get on here and write!)
I am excited for Chris to come home because dinner tonight is Jamba Juice! My first experience with Jamba was my freshman year when I had the Open Door 50 meal plan. Every Friday, after a trying week of classes, I would grab a Strawberries Wild to enjoy while trekking back up to U Hall. Pure bliss to begin my weekends! I missed Jamba that summer when I returned to Jersey. Sophomore year was great because, with the Dining Plus meal plan I had as an RA, I no longer had to confine my Jamba love to Fridays. I could have it every day! (I nearly did...Chris and I lived on Subway and Jamba that year. Oh yeah--and Legend's.) Well, the summer after sophomore year brought Chris and me here to Texas, where I am happy to report, there are TWO Jambas within close distance. Thank goodness! Recently, Jambas have popped up in the East--one in NYC, one in MD (BY THE TEMPLE!), one in Philly, and three in North Jersey. I believe South Jersey is due for one.
My surgery went very well on Friday. Valerie, my mom-in-law, took me to Dr. Tye's office for the procedure. Everything was timely; I remember sitting in the chair as the IV was inserted into my hand, the nurse chatting away happily. Then, all of a sudden, the ceiling started to shift and next thing I know, I'm bawling my eyes out. The surgery was over! (Note: When I come out of anesthesia, I cry. It happened when I got my tonsils out; it happened this time. Hilarious.) I was then wheeled into the recovery room, where I remained blind (nurse still had my glasses) and where I talked very animatedly to myself for a good ten minutes. Valerie was escorted to the back to get me and off we went, back to the apartment!
My face did not get very big at all--we were good about keeping the ice packs on my face for twenty minutes, and then leaving them off for twenty minutes. The tubes socks kept the ice bags in place! (Thank you Heather for the socks...from last soccer season!) I even went to church on Sunday for the whole three hours, and no one could believe that I had just had my wisdom teeth removed.
Also on the Killion agenda tonight, besides Jamba: grocery shopping. We have a lot to buy! I like it though. Now that the responsibility falls to Chris and me, it's fun. I remember when I was young I would accompany my mom, but I would grab a magazine from the front and read it throughout the store. I missed out on crucial tips throughout those years and when it came time for me to do the shopping, I frantically called my mom for advice. When Chris and I go shopping, I am reminded of my mom and dad shopping. Chris and Dad--go in, maybe grab a basket, get stuff, then leave--all in under seven minutes. Mom and me--walk in, reach for the biggest cart available, stroll around, compare and contrast, ALWAYS get more than we had originally intended, leave after at least an hour and a half. And it's even worse when Mom and I shop for CLOTHES...the men can expect to be gone all day! :)
I am excited for Chris to come home because dinner tonight is Jamba Juice! My first experience with Jamba was my freshman year when I had the Open Door 50 meal plan. Every Friday, after a trying week of classes, I would grab a Strawberries Wild to enjoy while trekking back up to U Hall. Pure bliss to begin my weekends! I missed Jamba that summer when I returned to Jersey. Sophomore year was great because, with the Dining Plus meal plan I had as an RA, I no longer had to confine my Jamba love to Fridays. I could have it every day! (I nearly did...Chris and I lived on Subway and Jamba that year. Oh yeah--and Legend's.) Well, the summer after sophomore year brought Chris and me here to Texas, where I am happy to report, there are TWO Jambas within close distance. Thank goodness! Recently, Jambas have popped up in the East--one in NYC, one in MD (BY THE TEMPLE!), one in Philly, and three in North Jersey. I believe South Jersey is due for one.
My surgery went very well on Friday. Valerie, my mom-in-law, took me to Dr. Tye's office for the procedure. Everything was timely; I remember sitting in the chair as the IV was inserted into my hand, the nurse chatting away happily. Then, all of a sudden, the ceiling started to shift and next thing I know, I'm bawling my eyes out. The surgery was over! (Note: When I come out of anesthesia, I cry. It happened when I got my tonsils out; it happened this time. Hilarious.) I was then wheeled into the recovery room, where I remained blind (nurse still had my glasses) and where I talked very animatedly to myself for a good ten minutes. Valerie was escorted to the back to get me and off we went, back to the apartment!
My face did not get very big at all--we were good about keeping the ice packs on my face for twenty minutes, and then leaving them off for twenty minutes. The tubes socks kept the ice bags in place! (Thank you Heather for the socks...from last soccer season!) I even went to church on Sunday for the whole three hours, and no one could believe that I had just had my wisdom teeth removed.
Also on the Killion agenda tonight, besides Jamba: grocery shopping. We have a lot to buy! I like it though. Now that the responsibility falls to Chris and me, it's fun. I remember when I was young I would accompany my mom, but I would grab a magazine from the front and read it throughout the store. I missed out on crucial tips throughout those years and when it came time for me to do the shopping, I frantically called my mom for advice. When Chris and I go shopping, I am reminded of my mom and dad shopping. Chris and Dad--go in, maybe grab a basket, get stuff, then leave--all in under seven minutes. Mom and me--walk in, reach for the biggest cart available, stroll around, compare and contrast, ALWAYS get more than we had originally intended, leave after at least an hour and a half. And it's even worse when Mom and I shop for CLOTHES...the men can expect to be gone all day! :)
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