I am excited for Chris to come home because dinner tonight is Jamba Juice! My first experience with Jamba was my freshman year when I had the Open Door 50 meal plan. Every Friday, after a trying week of classes, I would grab a Strawberries Wild to enjoy while trekking back up to U Hall. Pure bliss to begin my weekends! I missed Jamba that summer when I returned to Jersey. Sophomore year was great because, with the Dining Plus meal plan I had as an RA, I no longer had to confine my Jamba love to Fridays. I could have it every day! (I nearly did...Chris and I lived on Subway and Jamba that year. Oh yeah--and Legend's.) Well, the summer after sophomore year brought Chris and me here to Texas, where I am happy to report, there are TWO Jambas within close distance. Thank goodness! Recently, Jambas have popped up in the East--one in NYC, one in MD (BY THE TEMPLE!), one in Philly, and three in North Jersey. I believe South Jersey is due for one.
My surgery went very well on Friday. Valerie, my mom-in-law, took me to Dr. Tye's office for the procedure. Everything was timely; I remember sitting in the chair as the IV was inserted into my hand, the nurse chatting away happily. Then, all of a sudden, the ceiling started to shift and next thing I know, I'm bawling my eyes out. The surgery was over! (Note: When I come out of anesthesia, I cry. It happened when I got my tonsils out; it happened this time. Hilarious.) I was then wheeled into the recovery room, where I remained blind (nurse still had my glasses) and where I talked very animatedly to myself for a good ten minutes. Valerie was escorted to the back to get me and off we went, back to the apartment!
My face did not get very big at all--we were good about keeping the ice packs on my face for twenty minutes, and then leaving them off for twenty minutes. The tubes socks kept the ice bags in place! (Thank you Heather for the socks...from last soccer season!) I even went to church on Sunday for the whole three hours, and no one could believe that I had just had my wisdom teeth removed.
Also on the Killion agenda tonight, besides Jamba: grocery shopping. We have a lot to buy! I like it though. Now that the responsibility falls to Chris and me, it's fun. I remember when I was young I would accompany my mom, but I would grab a magazine from the front and read it throughout the store. I missed out on crucial tips throughout those years and when it came time for me to do the shopping, I frantically called my mom for advice. When Chris and I go shopping, I am reminded of my mom and dad shopping. Chris and Dad--go in, maybe grab a basket, get stuff, then leave--all in under seven minutes. Mom and me--walk in, reach for the biggest cart available, stroll around, compare and contrast, ALWAYS get more than we had originally intended, leave after at least an hour and a half. And it's even worse when Mom and I shop for CLOTHES...the men can expect to be gone all day! :)
1 comment:
ever since being an RA i haven't had Jamba nearly enough, I do miss having it everyday. I'm glad your surgery went well.
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