Monday, March 15, 2010

15 month appointment

This girl is a healthy one, thank goodness!

H: 31.5 inches 75% percentile
W: 20 lbs, 15 oz 20% percentile
HC: 19 3/4 inches ...I forget; I always forget this one!

I'm going to call her Miss Tall and Skinny, because that's what she is :)
She's developing right on schedule, with her vocabulary, speech, etc. Smart lady. She had to get two shots today, but once she was on the ground again, she was fine.

Fun story:
On Saturday, Chris and I were sitting on the couch and Liz was drawing on her note pad. I got up to go into the kitchen to check on our lunch. I was standing at the sink, washing a cup, when I heard the front door open and shut. 'Oh, Chris went outside to check the mail' was my thought and 'Why did Mary go outside?' was Chris's thought. Our eyes meet and we realize that we are both still in the that means LIZZIE is outside!!
Chris jumps up from the couch and I follow him out the door. There's Lizzie, walking towards the ramp. We call to her; she smiles, waves, and takes off! Chris got to her just before she reached the stairs!

Now we lock all three locks when we are inside the house. Locking doors is now a must when we are home and when we leave!!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Whoa, she can reach the door to open it??? Smart lady indeed! I can kind of picture you guys chasing after her - kind of funny, but scary too.