What a weekend. There never seems to be enough time! But we did do a lot. We planned on being in NJ for Mother's Day because my brother would be calling home AND because Elder Jeffrey R. Holland would be speaking at my stake center on Sunday night, but we had a few obligations that kept us in MD. :)
Our stake Women's Conference was held on Saturday morning and our ward was in charge of the food for the luncheon. I got there early to help cut fresh fruit, so I was gone from 8:45am until 2pm. This meant that Chris and Lizzie had daddy-daughter time! The conference itself was wonderful. Another ward was in charge of decorations for the tables at lunch--aren't these felt flowers adorable? We were told that we could take the centerpieces home...so I took the littlest jar you see here in the picture, but I took extra flowers so I could place them in my own cups and jars. Too cute!

Chris and Liz took me to Red Robin for a fabulous Mother's Day dinner. Lizzie got a balloon so she was happy. And of course she went to town with dipping her fries in ketchup! *ONE thing we miss about Utah Red Robin restaurants: FRY SAUCE. When I first encountered fry sauce as a freshman in the Morris Center, I thought it was abominable--a disgrace to french fries. But then, at Chris's suggestion, I reluctantly tried Red Robin's fry sauce...and I fell in love. It's fantastic. But no one in the East knows what fry sauce is, so we managed to eat our fries without it ;)
On Sunday morning, I got out of the shower to pancakes, bacon, and eggs, all prepared by my dear husband (and supervised by Lizzie in her high chair)! We were a few minutes late to church because it was SO good. As for gifts, Lizzie gave me one of my favorite movies of all time: Matilda, based on the book by Roald Dahl. Chris gave me a new straightener, a cute maternity shirt, and--you know I'm a mother--a new car seat for Lizzie!
We have been using a Britax for Liz since she grew out of her infant car seat, but we realized that when we need to put that infant car seat in the back seat for Cate's upcoming arrival, the Britax takes up a HUGE amount of space. So we browsed through some stores and found a GORGEOUS Evenflo car seat that also converts to a booster when Liz is ready. Chris put it in the car last night and it looks great. Most importantly, Liz loves it too! The Britax is currently in the living room and Liz has made it her movie-watching chair.

On Sunday afternoon there was a baptism, which is partly why we remained in MD this weekend. One of Chris's boys in the teachers' quorum was a proud brother: his younger brother and sister were baptized! Chris confirmed his sister; it was a great afternoon.
Elder Jett called my cell shortly after we began serving refreshments and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes. It still hasn't REALLY hit me that my brother will be home in less than two and a half months! And he will meet Cate and Liz for the first time!
Some Liz love for you:

Me @ 32 weeks: