Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Miss Breech

Cate is breech! Quite the surprise I discovered at my thirty-three week ultrasound this afternoon!

This means my chance of having a successful VBAC is decreased. There is the definite possibility that Cate will switch her position in these last weeks before June 28th, but there's also the definite possibility that she won't move.

If she remains breech, I will most likely have to schedule a c-section for Cate. There are a bunch of techniques (some wild, some reasonable) that can force her to move. My doc said I shouldn't try them because it puts stress on my existing incisions and it creates a higher risk of tearing my uterus.

That's why I will have another ultrasound in two weeks. If we see that she has moved, I can still try for a VBAC. If she hasn't moved, we will schedule the c-section and my doc said that would happen at thirty-nine weeks (June 21st).

I was a bit disappointed that I may not get to try a VBAC. But in all honesty, I'm not overly devastated in the slightest. I only care about Cate arriving into this world happy and healthy. If it has to happen by c-section, so be it.

It's up to Miss Cate from here! :)


Brianna said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad that they are checking for that stuff. I hope that nothing too crazy happens with this whole process. I was telling Steve how far along you are and he was like, "Wait, that's coming up fast!" :) We can't wait for Miss Cate to make her debut to the Killion clan. I hope you are able to find at least some comfort as things wind down and get closer!

Britney said...

It might be a blessing in disguise. A girl in my ward had that exact thing happen to her and when they did the c-section they found a part of her uterus that was paper thin. Had she gone through labor it could have torn, causing life-threatening blood loss to her and the baby. Instead they had a happy healthy, breech baby! Good luck with everything. I can't believe that Cate will be here so soon.

emily and kevin griffin said... least you aren't bored...:) i hope she just gets here healthy. i doubt that i'll have any VBACs, but wouldn't that be nice...:) good luck!

Meg said...

Oh no! That's no good. She can still move can't she? Are they typically head down at this point? I can't remember. Well, just cross your fingers :)

Francesca said...

Whatever happens, I hope it goes well!

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

Oh Mary! I hope she turns for you! You never know what will happen! I love your attitude though! I CAN'T WAIT to see Catherine! She is going to be gorgeous just like her sister! Be prepared for everyone to ask you if they are twins. Sam is a head taller than Luke and I still get asked if they are twins!