The new camera--a Fuji Finepix--courtesy of my bro-in-law, is fabulous. There are a ton of settings for picture taking; it's slim and lightweight; it's all around amazing. I can edit/crop/rotate/etc. the pictures right in the camera! (Maybe that has been around for awhile but I just found out about it :)
Chris did well on his midterms and papers--thank you to those who wished him luck.
As I wrote last week, we were in NJ for a bit. And as always, we had a ton of fun. The ladies were happy to see Daddy again when he arrived on Friday night.
Katie, Mom, and I picked out the birthday cake for Chris
We celebrated Chris's birthday on Saturday--my old man is now twenty-nine years old! Happy Birthday to Chris! One year older and wiser :D
Look at Cate eying up the cake!
Cate has discovered her feet and now reaches for hanging items above her. She's very close to rolling over. She wants to be on the go! I know it's because Cate sees her older sister running around--I can see it in her eyes. They seem to say, "I can't wait to do that!" On the sad side, she's losing some of her hair :( I hope, hope, hope she doesn't lose her bright red hair! Time will tell.
Lizzie...oh, what to say about my first lady. She keeps me on my toes by testing my barely existent patience! But she truly is a sweetheart. She's always been good with saying "please," but she has recently become very good about saying "Thank you," "I'm sorry," and "You're welcome." Lizzie loves to say her letters and colors. Buzz and Woody are still favorites of hers, along with macaroni and cheese, Handy Manny, and sandals.
The girls are so cute in the mornings!
And on our walks in the neighborhood.
Especially when they fall asleep :)
Oh, since it's become a habit: CONFESSIONS!
#1: I've been baking a lot recently.
#2: The shirts in my bureau are organized by color.
#3: I initially did not want to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when it first came out. I thought it sounded stupid. Believe it or not, it was my brother (yes, BILL, of all people) who convinced me to read it. Thank you, Bill!
#4: I was a sophomore in high school when Alex straightened my hair for the first time, WCHS homecoming 2002.
#5: I was a sophomore in college when I diffused my hair for the first time--for a date with Chris, actually--before we were engaged :)