Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wild Weather!

On a humid afternoon, shortly after we first arrived in Texas last June, we were watching TV when suddenly the TV show stopped and the news came on (whichever channel we were on). The weatherman rushes on to say that Tarrant County (our county), among others, is currently under a tornado watch. Serious stuff, right? Next thing he tells us is to go to the nearest closet and bundle up with blankets. I pretty much fall off the couch at this, but we (Chris, Millie, and I) go to the closet in the master bedroom and wait it out. After the coast was clear, I call my mom to tell her what happened--"What was Chrees theenking, taking you to this Texas?!?"That was my first experience with tornado watches and warnings. I had not known that our lovely metroplex of DFW rests at the bottom of Tornado Alley...a fact (had I known earlier) which would have made me think long and hard about living in this part of the country. "Well," Chris replies, "I've lived in different areas of Tornado Alley nearly my entire life and I've never seen a tornado...although I did see the sky turn green once." Great. ;)

But then Chris said, "You've grown up next to hurricanes and nor'easters your whole life; what makes this worse?" Good point. However, I will take a hurricane and a nor'easter ANY DAY, EVERY DAY, before I will take a tornado. I find it interesting how living in different parts of the country make you immune to certain natural disasters, and the thought of a different natural disaster than the one you are accustomed to makes you quake (no pun intended). Perhaps Californians don't blink an eye at a tremor, but that would be enough to make me go crazy! (I must add that Texas thunderstorms are right up there with Jersey thunderstorms=this is exciting. I do like this. Thunderstorms don't bother me.)
After my first tornado scare, that summer proved to be relatively quiet. This spring, however, is a completely different story, and it seems that the summer is turning out to be the same...


The Chaffin's said...

Aren't the storms here kinda cool??? If I'm not by myself I love watching the lightening if I'm by myself it freaks me out!!!!! (Oh, we're planning on coming tomorrow night around 7:15) I look forward to it!!!

Brianna said...

LOL it's true, I'm from CA and honestly, earthquakes (at least the little ones) I handle alright. Anything huge and very destructive I start getting nervous. Don't blow away Killions!

Russ said...

WHOA that is a cool tornado lightening pic! I would be scared!

PiZzA said...

dude! i'd be freakin out if someone told me there was gonna be a tornado! at least you'll be out of silly tornado alley in a couple months. :)