We've been busy shopping so far this month! (Well, let's be honest...when are we NOT busy shopping? hehe)
December is always a busy month for the Killion family because--
Mom and Joe celebrate their birthdays on December 2.
Katie celebrates her birthday on December 9.
Bill celebrates his birthday on December 31.
And we can't forget our Lizzie, who celebrates her birthday on December 13 and who will be TWO this year.
Yeah, I don't believe it either! I feel like she's been around forever. We've been practicing how to say "Happy Birthday" and she gets very excited when she sees presents in store windows.
Chris's last day of school was Dec. 2. He has a final tonight, of which I'm confident he will ace--GO HUSBY! He has two finals next week and then a full two weeks off! I can't tell you how excited I am to have him all to ourselves for those two weeks. No homework, no reading, no studying! Heck yeah!
It's been VERY cold over here; temperatures have dipped into the 20's and MAN the wind just bites at your cheeks. We leave the house all bundled up and ready to take on the cold! I've been using the crock pot for dinner 2-3 times a week to make the house extra warm, and to make the house smell great, too.
We had our ward Christmas party this past weekend and it was too much fun :)
The girls talked with Santa!
Lizzie had a great time with all the kids crafts, including building a gingerbread house.
Cate was exhausted by the end of the night!
Lizzie models the new sweater Mimi gave her.
Liz in her big girl booster seat (the high chair has been officially delegated to Cate)!
Miss Cate Killion, at the mall.
The girls always have fun with Daddy!
McKelle and Lizzie, watching Toy Story.
When the end of the year approaches, I often think about how the year has gone. Did I do everything I wanted to do? Did I keep my resolutions? How will I improve this upcoming year? I'll probably write more about that when it gets closer to the end of the month (and year). See you next week!