Being a superhero is a tough job.
But someone has to do it! Lizzie's current favorite: Super-reader!
One of the highlights of our Thanksgiving week in NJ was Wildwood Catholic's production of MAME! (Pop-pop was kind enough to watch Cate while we went to WCHS; Lizzie joined us and did so well, sitting in her seat for nearly three hours.)
My sister Katie was Mame Dennis, a wealthy socialite whose life suddenly changes when she gains custody of her nephew Patrick.
My brother Joe played Ito, Mame's Japanese butler--accent and all. He was absolutely hilarious!
One of my favorite scenes was Vera (played by Sarah) and Mame's song, "Bosom Buddies." It was perfect for Sarah and Katie because they are such good friends in real life!
I also enjoyed the scene where Mr. Burnside brings Mame down south to meet his family--lots of dancing!
Coming onto the stage after the show--
Standing ovation, of course!
All in all, it was a very enjoyable night. I am so proud of Katie and Joe. They performed so well--all I heard throughout the night was "Your brother and sister are AMAZING! They are so talented!"
Thanksgiving day was busy but productive! We talked about the food we wanted on the table and made up a schedule for the execution of the dishes. Despite some doubt (cough cough MOM haha), everything made it on to the table without trouble! I think the cooking schedule needs to be an annual thing!
Our list of required items
Our time table
Check out the Mame apron!
Julia at the stove--
Checkerboard sweet potatoes made it on to the table for the first time this year--they are definitely a keeper.
The table full of food! Happy Thanksgiving to us!
Later on, my mom and Liz had a fun time building towers with dominoes. Lizzie was very protective of the tall tower!
On Saturday we all headed down to our neck of the woods because the Cape May youth had a temple trip.
Lizzie being silly!
Mom, Dad, Kate, Joe, and Chris went inside. Julia and I stayed with Cate and Liz and we went to the Visitors' Center, where we ran into...Havalah and her boy Luke!
(Brigg joined us soon after.) What a pleasant surprise!
Havalah and I lived on U Hall's 4th floor in Deseret Towers as freshmen, and we joined forces once again as Resident Assistants the following year (in U Hall). It was SO nice to catch up and meet each others' kids. Luke is a cutie who has red hair, just like Cate! :)
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Sounds like you guys had a great thanksgiving!!! The girls are getting so big and cute! It's crazy how fast the time goes!
What?! No way! Is Hava living near DC?
Hava and her fam are living in West Virginia and DC is their temple! How cool is that--a bunch of us are coming to this area :)
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