Friday, February 1, 2008

Well, well, well

Hey, this is Mary. I see everyone and their spouse with their cute little blogs and I finally made one for my Husby and me. I finished my Rel C 341 text this afternoon; I'll order the final exam soon and ta-da! Finished with the course. I don't mind this Independent Study thing really. If you're one to have difficulties getting yourself to do something consistently on a daily basis, I.S. would not be your best bet. It's working all right for me so far!
I got accepted to TCC for their summer term (Tarrant County College). I'll be taking Biology, Sociology, and two Civ classes; they will transfer back to BYU for the GE credit. So exciting! Every day is another day closer to graduation...
Chris worked on his application to the Neely Business School at TCU last night. I helped him with editing his essays; I do love editing. Really. I'm not kidding. I just love it. We didn't get to bed until wayyyyy late, but that's okay. Because we got it in last night, the $75 application fee was waived. That's right, $75. As if the school itself doesn't cost over $50,000, they want you to throw more money at them for little things like filling out an application. Such is the life of the business school pursuer.
Tomorrow Chris and I will be going to Arlington to visit UTA and their business school. It will also be an opportunity for me to check out the campus, since the plan calls for me to finish up this fall semester over there. UTA Business School is a bit more reasonably priced than TCU, or UT for that matter (nearly $80,000 for UT Dallas, even if you're an in-state resident) so it is a nicer possibility.
All right, I finished my work for the day and I am enjoying a John Grisham novel, The Summons. Goodness gracious he makes all that lawyer stuff seem interesting. I may finish it before Chris gets home. Don't worry, Chris will contribute to this blog soon. You won't have to read just me all the time :).


Brianna said...

Hey! Welcome to the blogging world! :) Glad to have a way to keep up with what's going on with you two. It's just not the same without you guys around. Hope everything's great!

Brianna S. :)

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

-The Carters